Welcome!  We’re so happy you’re here!

 Thanks for being part of our community - this is going to be an amazing year and a wonderful experience for you and your children.  You have made an excellent choice in joining a co-op! We know that when you first get here, there’s a lot to learn. Fret not, we’re going to try to break it down into bite sized pieces. 



New WPENS Parents: You will be given a tour of the classroom as it is today but we're looking to really spiff things up this year with the help of YOU, our co-op family. Be sure to sign up for your top 3 support job choices based on your interests and talents if you haven't already.  Those support jobs will help lighten the load for our beloved Teacher Cory who’s rollin’ solo.   

When is the first day of school 2024/25?

MWF classes - Monday, August 26th
T/TH classes -  Tuesday, August 27th

What's on our website? 
Our calendar, our handbook, links to our social media sites and more.  Pay tuition via PayPal as well!

What do I pay? And when? 
If you're in a T/Th class: you pay $250 due by the 1st of the month.  If you're in a MWF class, $350 by 1st of the month. You'll be charged a $25 late fee if your tuition is submitted after the 5th. 

How do I pay?
Please make your check payable to WPENS, place your child's name and class in the memo and place it in the mailbox just inside the office door.

If it’s easier, we also accept payments via PayPal with the “TUITION PAYMENT” link at the bottom of our webpage. There will be a small convenience fee associated with PayPal payments.

When do I work?
You'll be emailed a calendar at the beginning of every month that indicates what days you’ll work and what your classroom job is. You'll work once a week in the classroom and as needed weekly for your 'support job'. 

What are the classroom jobs?

Jobs key: S = Snack worker P = Project CW = Childwatch W= Worker

Snack - make sure you make a note of any dietary restrictions for your class. There will be a list available on the refrigerator. Ideally, any prep work for your snack will be done the night before so that it's ready to go with minimal time needed day of.  We have knives and cutting boards as well as an oven or stove available for anything that may need some last-minute prep. You'll put the covers on the tables, put out a plate and cup for each child, then place your snack items (ideally 3-5 different selections) in the middle of the table with tongs or spoons in each dish for the kids to serve themselves.  You'll also put a large pitcher of water and a small empty "pitcher" of water on the table for the kids to put their own water. When snack is over, you help clean up and load the dishwasher. Run the dishwasher on "quick wash" using the tabs under the sink. You'll also need to create a small tray of leftover snacks and disposable plates/cups for the worker's kids after class. The child watch person sits with the kids while they play and snack after school.  Childwatch will bring in those items before the next class. 

Project - you will be assigned to bring in something fun for the kids to do! Many materials are already available, so check with Cory prior to your Project assignment.

Child Watch - Show up at 8:30 (15 minutes before class) and empty the dishwasher then AM workers put out toys (unlock the sheds outside with the key by the back door) that are appropriate for that days' weather. Put them out in a fun and attractive way to the best of your ability.  Then you can take off if you'd like, but be sure to come back before the end of class as you'll be the one watching the kids while the classroom is cleaned and the post-class seminar is happening. PM child watchers get to put away the toys and lock up the sheds. 

Worker -  You are there to help be another set of hands and eyes.  You can help the teacher, snack worker, the kids - anyone who needs help during class.  You will also help tidy up the classroom at the end as well, helping to sweep, mop, vacuum, clean bathrooms, and take out the trash. 

What's a "support job"?

Support jobs keep our classroom running like a well-oiled machine. We try to assign these based on your passions and strengths as submitted in the survey you took (in the enrollment packet).  These are ongoing maintenance jobs like keeping the play yard beautiful, keeping the kitchen organized, keeping the art supplies tidy, switching out the monthly themed units, helping contribute to our social media channels, making sure all of the toys and puzzles are functional, doing any laundry that needs to be done, helping to pick up supplies and groceries, etc.  See a full list of support jobs on our website. Is there something that interests you (and would benefit the school) which isn't on the current list? Let us know! We are always looking for ways to improve, so feel free to reach out to president@wpens.org with any thoughts or questions so that we can make a note of your thoughts and concerns. 

Failure to keep up on your support job may mean that you're not invited back the following year, so be sure to put your heart into it!  Our school will be better for it. 

What's the adult education part of this?
We meet several for school-wide seminars 2-3 times a year to discuss relevant topics on parenting techniques and skills, personal growth, and early childhood development. These will be on the calendar, newsletter, and publicized in the classroom a week or two prior to the event. 

What if my child is sick and I can't work on my assigned day?
Make sure to send an email to teach Cory and your classmates know ASAP so that we can prepare and ideally you can trade a workday with someone else. 

How do I communicate with my classmates?
Via email or the WhatsApp group. There will be an email sent out introducing you to your group so you can start a dialogue on playdates, sick day work arrangements, cool stuff you want to share, etc. 

What is the board of directors? Who are they? What do they do?
The board is a dedicated group of generous folks who take care of the nitty-gritty. They balance the books, manage fundraising efforts, maintain the website, communicate with the school district, and keep a record of all of the great stuff we're doing.  We have a wonderful and full (YAY!) board this year made up of the following folks:


Sarah Camp and Jess Reeves, Co-presidents (president@wpens.org)

Sara Baguskas, Vice President (vicepresident@wpens.org)

Sarah Camp, Paying Treasurer (payingtreasurer@wpens.org)

Haleh Siahpolo, Receiving Treasurer (treasurer@wpens.org)

Mary Schneider, Waitlist Coordinator (waitlist@wpens.org)

Lorraine Alarcon, Fundraising Chair (fundraising@wpens.org)

***Open Position***, Secretary (secretary@wpens.org)

Erin Hohengarten, Jobs Coordinator (jobscoordinator@wpens.org)

Jess Reeves, Communications and Technical Support (support@wpens.org)

They're here to listen if you have questions or ideas!  We meet once a month to make sure we're keeping the ship afloat and on course. We'd love to have you sit in and check it out so that you can get a peek on what goes on behind the scenes and perhaps even consider joining.

Still have questions? 

Feel free to ask any returning parents, board members or Cory in person or via email.  We want you and your child to succeed and thrive here at WPENS. You are important to us!