• Connect with Cory around organizational needs

  • Provide guidance to work day volunteers surrounding storage and organization 


  • Obtain scheduling availability of class members from jobs coordinator and complete monthly schedules based on a consistent rotation. (Templates are already designed and compatible with most word processing software.) Schedules should be made available prior to the start of the month and distributed via email and hard copy.

  • Attend Board meetings when able. Share concerns from membership directly to the Board. Share updates with other Class Leader.

  • Class Leaders are encouraged to check-in monthly

  • Organizing class specific events and acknowledgments. For example birthday cards, get well cards/flowers, assistance for families during bereavement, childbirth, illness. Typically people in the class want to assist fellow members during difficult times. It would be the job of the Class Leaders to organize these efforts.

  • Work with the teachers to organize class field trips.

  • Be there to answer questions and address concerns. The Class Leader is not expected to have all the answers, just willing to help find them!


  • Must start taking photos on the first day of class.

  • Digital camera will be provided, personal phone is also ok

  • Photographers must be able to store photos on their home PC and are encouraged to make backups or save to a secure cloud service, photos should be kept organized by each child in the class.

  • Photographers should concentrate on getting close-ups of faces and capture interactions between the children.

  • Take full class photos; some with kids only, some with kids and adults.

  • Take photos of classroom events and field trips

  • Throughout the year have photos available for use by the teachers, newsletter editor and blogger.

  • Towards the end of the year print a stack of photos for each parent to put together a scrapbook at the photo seminar. Photos should be of their child but also of the other children in the class.

  • Makes a photo album for the teacher at the end of the year.


  • Distributes and collects Raising a Reader forms from each family.

  • Checks each bag to make sure all books are accounted for and in good condition.

  • Checks out book bags to families on a weekly basis, inspecting them on return for missing books or damage

  • Maintains/organizes both children and adult libraries, in classroom and in observation room.

  • Keeps track of who has books checked out by keeping a list of borrowers. If books are not returned within three weeks, calls members to remind them to return books. Makes announcements at meetings to remind people to sign out books and to return them.

  • Informs the teachers if books are disappearing and are not being returned.

  • Assists teachers in changing out books in the classroom and re-shelves children’s books by theme/subject.

  • Occasionally purchases books for the library and solicits suggestions for books.

  • Organizes a visit to the public library for the students


  • Works with the Communications Director to publish blog posts and update social media

  • Responsible for editing instagram post and materials to be posted on the website such as proofreading, fact checking, and verifying photo permissions.

  • Coordinate with the Fundraising team on posting information about fundraising events and follow up.

  • Coordinate with the Event Coordinator to post about upcoming seminars and events.


  • Meet with VP to discuss finding and/or Scheduling Speakers

  • meet with VP to coordinate location coordinate snacks or potluck for meetings

  • collect any lost and found items from meetingsupport w/clean up before and after mtgs


  • Organizes all parties. (Annual parties include the end of-the-year dessert potluck and graduation.) This involves posting sign-up sheets for food, coordinating the purchase of supplies, setting up and organizing activities for parties. Arrives early to set up the party and stays late to clean up afterwards.

  • Find out ahead of time from the Board members what parties are planned for the year and their dates.

  • Submit an informational blurb to the Newsletter Editor and Blogger prior to the event noting the time and place of the event and anything participants should bring.

  • Purchase supplies for each event (bottled water, juice, paper plates, plastic utensils, papercups, etc.) (Save your receipts and submit them to the paying treasurer for reimbursement.) It’sa good idea to also bring a few large black plastic garbage bags to aid clean up.

  • Once a trimester (typically a weekend day once in November, February, and May), coordinate cleanup days and come in at a predetermined set time to clean and organize the classroom.

  • Organize supplies and job checklists to be ready for use on clean-up days.

  • Weekly organization should be done as needed. Use the labels on the shelves and update labels when necessary.


  • Buys juice, extra snacks, bulk items (cleaning supplies etc.) and anything else the teacher needs. 

  • Makes up a list of items that the school needs to buy on a regular basis, checks the supply regularly (do not expect teachers to do so!) and purchases more when necessary. 

  • Posts a list at school that the teacher can write any additional supplies that are needed. 

  • Puts grocery items into the school where they belong.

  • Shopping takes about 2 hours/month to shop, transport and put away. 

  • Checking the school for whether items are needed takes about 15 minutes a week. Costco shopping has been found to be the most economical.

  • Keep receipts and submit to Paying Treasurer for reimbursement.

  • Check to see if items that members put on the list are really needed or if they just can’t be found.

  • Check the classroom prior to the beginning of school to make sure we have everything on the list.

  • Prior to cleanup days, make sure we have plenty of cleaning supplies.


  • Repairs school equipment and furniture or arranges for major repairs when needed. Checks the classroom and yard every two weeks for anything that needs to be repaired such as broken fence, gate, shed repairs, lock replacements, old wood etc.

  • Posts a list for teachers and parents to write down things that need repair.

  • Changes the water filter at the kitchen sink every September and March.

  • Organizes a yard day periodically if school is in need of lots of repairs.


  • Coordinate with fundraising board member 

  • support with various fundraisers throughout the year 


  • Mows and edges the lawn on a regular basis throughout the year, including the lawn under the mulberry tree. Must have a lawn mower and edger – the school does not have these.

  • Lawns should be mowed as needed, more in springtime than winter.

  • Water as needed throughout the year on a regular basis.

  • Maintains the garden, weeds around the track and in front of school, cares for plants in the yard, rakes pine needles out of sandbox weekly, sweeps sand from sidewalk areas and sweeps track weekly. Plants any additional plants.

  • Meets with teacher to discuss what is wanted for yard and coordinates.